Wood stove assembly finally complete!

The wood stove assembly is finally complete. I’ve been putting it off for far too long.

It’s early August and the temperatures have been in the mid 90’s to upper 100’s here in Eastern Oklahoma, thinking about the wood stove has not been on the front of my mind (except looking at it sitting there every day).
But October will be here before I know it, and I’m sure I’ll want it then, and we still have to cut a hole in the roof to install the chimney. And if I’m not careful, we could be in a rush, and I hate rushing.

I was on call over the weekend, and so, getting too far away, or in the middle of a time consuming project wasn’t really on tap, so decided to get the stove put together, and if time permits, get that curing fire done.

We got the 5kw stove from Tiny Wood Stove. This stove does have an oven attachment we plan to get once they are back in stock. They are redoing the design of it, and we’re pretty excited about it.

I got the stove together without much trouble. Putting in the glass was the only part that worried me. We wanted the glass, but the thought of breaking it made me nervous.

I go through the assembly process in this weeks video. (oh, and no, we didn’t get the burn done because of weather)

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