What’s in store for 2024?

It’s 2024, not sure how that happened, but here it is. So, what’s in store?

We sat down and discussed our plans for the new year.
And as my bride said, “We have stuff to do.”

These are things we have planned, and while some things have higher priority than others, they won’t necessarily be done in that order. I know, it’s a bit confusing, but time, effort and money constraints will hamper some of these projects.

We plan to build a porch between the 2 cabins. while the whole porch may not be covered, there will be a covered walkway between the two, and part of the porch will be covered.

We plan to clean up around the solar panels and more trees need to come down, as well as some sick trees. We’ll get those cleaned up, and bucked and split.

Possibly get another set of batteries, taking us to 600 amp hours instead of our current 400 amp hours.

Plan to finally get the solar panel for the composting toilet installed (once the porch is in place.

Lawn mowers need taken care of. One removed and one fixed… maybe.

We want to get a cover built for the wood splitter, and perhaps more wood storage.

Garden beds. We need to get more of our food grown. We didn’t have the time last year, but that has to change in 2024.

We need to finish the ceiling in the main cabin. We need to stain and install the 4 boards for the peak of the ceiling.

We need gutter. Gutters on the new building, gutters on the chicken coop, cutters on the solar panels, and get more water catchment in place

Another possibility for 2024 is a mini split for the sleeping cabin. Replace that loud, energy inefficient window unit and install a quiet energy efficient mini-split

I need to install a couple lights and a plug installed in the shed.

Re-roof the sleeping cabin.

And more if we have time.

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