What’s been happening on the homestead and tile installation

What’s been happening on the homestead and tile installation, as well as harvesting the garlic that was planted in November.

I went a while without recording anything, so wanted to give a brief rundown of where things stand.

Currently 12 of the 16 solar panels are installed. I finally have the wire I need to get those last 4 panels installed, and then I can clean up the wiring.
I have removed the box I had started with a few years ago, and installed a DC combiner box Midnite Solar, and I think it looks so much better.

It’s past time for the garlic to be harvested. And I was shocked at just how small the garlic heads were this year. There are several things that can cause that, but one is too little water. And that is my guess on what the problem was. It’s so bad, I plan to get fresh seed in the fall.

We’ve been working on the expanded chicken coop some. We’ve done several things to try to keep them contains so they don’t just wonder off without us around, but to give them more space than their safe, but small enclosed run.

Then, the main project for today was getting the tile installed on the 2 walls and the floor for the wood stove. It looks really good, and in a day or two, we’ll go ahead and grout the tile.

Finally, we head out to the lake to do a little kayaking! A nice end to a busy day.

Hope you enjoy the video!

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