The new cabin arrives at the homestead, finally.

The new cabin arrives! 2 weeks earlier than initially expected, but still after weeks of waiting.

We special ordered the building instead of just taking something off the lot.
We had plans on how we wanted to use it. So just the standard 12×24 that they already had built wasn’t what we wanted.

Part of all our solar work is to get ready to have 2 cabins.

We had 2 windows set in the front where we plan to make a small room. In it we’ll have the composting toilet, hand washing sink, mirror and small closet.

The wood burning stove will be right inside the front door so it can be seen from my desk and sitting area we plan to use as a living room. In the back, there will also be some closet space for our clothing.

We loved the colors of our main cabin, so we went with the same colors for the new building, and we think they look great side by side.

There is a lot of work to do to get it ready to use. Electrical, insulation, ceiling, walls, floors and much more. Once it’s done, we’ll put a porch between the two cabins.

Our current plan is to make this an AirBnB once the new house build and we’ve moved in, but that still years away.

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