Roof Replaced, But What’s That On The Roof?

Roof Replaced, But What’s That On The Roof? Teeth? Seems that way.

So, it’s Labor Day weekend. Fall is quickly coming our way, but it’s not hear yet.
There isn’t any rain chances this weekend till Monday night about 5, so between Sunday and Monday, we should have plenty of time to go through the sheds, clean them out and finish that lean-to by replacing the roof on the sheds.

Day 1

We got both sheds cleaned out, and put down gravel for the floors before the end of the day on Sunday. It was late though, after 9. Had to finish by flashlight, but there’s still a lot we want to get done on Monday. I want gravel for the floors instead of just the dirt/mud. Though, if all goes well with the roof, they’d just stay dirt, and wont get muddy anymore.
We also had the roof off of the small side of the shed, so we ended the day with a lot of work accomplished

Day 2

Monday morning came around, still no rain till 5, so I finished getting the roof off the shed. While taking the roof off, I found a tooth on the top of the shed. Strange place to keep it. Perhaps a squirrel thought it was a good hiding place.

But, it’s time to get the roof back on, so we started connecting the lean-to into the shed and working my way across.

missing roof

About 10:50, I was taking a water break (cause, it may be September, but it still felt like August), and my mom called. While talking, she commented that there wasn’t any rain chances. I put her on speaker and went to look at the weather, and found that rain would be hitting our place in about 30 minutes?!?!?!? Hung up quickly and got back to work. The batteries and power inverter were still exposed, and if nothing else, I needed them covered.

Water started falling

Within a few minutes of getting the solar equipment covered, it started sprinkling and continued that off and on for the next 45 to 60 minutes as I completed the roof.

We got most of the important stuff put away before it started a nice light rain. Some things that we didn’t get put away, we got covered with tarps.
I think the only thing we lost to the rain was a bag of concrete mix, so I guess that’s not too bad.

For the most part, we really didn’t get that much rain, but it did rain for a while, but a slow steady rain.

We’re both excited about getting this done though. Both sides of the shed look so much better, and the storage under the lean-to is nice.
Now, I can look into getting a wood splitter (finally)

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