Preparing for more solar panels on the agenda.

Preparing for more solar panels is on today’s agenda!
The last solar upgrade and the clearing of trees wasn’t good enough. I was still having power woes.

So, after much research and reading, I finally broke down and found a spreadsheet (then tweaked it) to help calculate exactly what I needed.
I had to figure out the hourly wattage of everything I wanted to run, and how long I planned for it to run. Then, I had to calculate battery capacity and solar charging capacity.
Once I knew what I needed for a day, and the how much I could generate in a day, I could really start planning.

I needed just under 10kw a day to run everything we plan to run.
But I didn’t just want enough batter capacity for 1 day, I wanted extra, so we have 2 full days of running everything if we were getting no solar input (which never happens)

I then figured out how much solar was needed to charge a days worth of usage in a single day, and then tried to bump it some.
So, overall, we have about 20kw of batter capacity, and 3.2 kw/hr generation.

If all goes well, this will hopefully handle everything we want with some to spare.

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