Moving! So much to do, and not enough time!

With the closing date on the house fast approaching, there is so much to do, and not enough time! Moving takes a lot of time and effort!

I drove down to the cabin to get some work done.
We did get a cabin ordered that we plan to use as living and office space.
However, it will take 7 weeks to be built and delivered. Since I work from home, I have to find a solution now. A month of living in the current cabin with me on conference calls all day would drive my wife crazy I’m sure.

My parents agreed to let us use their camper trailer. So, next weekend, they will bring it down.
I need to smooth out the culvert that we put in last year. since there is a nice little bump right before you get to the culvert. I’ve been wanting to smooth it out, but with the camper coming, I figured now’s a good time.
I also needed to trim the tree’s away from the drive so we don’t damage the trailer when they bring it.

Since I was coming down anyway, we decided to come loaded.
So I came down with stuff from the yard, mostly yard art.
With the price of gasoline, I don’t want any trip to just be for one thing if at all possible.

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