Doing the curing burn on the wood stove

With the wood stove finally put together, it’s time to do the curing burn on the wood stove.

The instructions suggested doing it outside because of the fumes that will be produced while burning off the oils and such. And since it was in the 90’s outside, I wouldn’t have wanted to burn it inside anyway.

Perhaps I should have recorded it, but getting it outside was a challenge for us. We used some straps to lift it so we could manage it.

After that, it was a fire in 3 stages.
A 15 minute kindling fire,
a 1 hr fire at 400 degrees,
a 1 hr fire at 600 degrees.

They were right about one thing. it smelled horrible while it was burning off everything.
Overall, it took a few hours to do, and it was late afternoon when we finished, but it still had to cool off so we could get it inside before another batch of rain came in overnight.

We did take out the wood and left the door open to help it cool down quicker.

While we waited, I decided to go fishing. I didn’t catch anything, but it was a good way to kill time.

When we got back, it was good to move, and we got it back inside.

Next up will be installing the chimney!

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