Composting toilet cleaning and thoughts on it

Composting toilet cleaning and thoughts on the Nature’s Head composting toilet so far.

We’ve had our composting toilet for a week over 4 months now. I’ve emptied it a few times. We’ve had a couple bumps along the way, and figured we now have enough time spent on it to give you some thoughts.

First off, I like it. It’s much better than the outhouse. The worse part is of course emptying the contents, but it’s shockingly not as bad as I first expected.

We have had some problems with it though.
First is if you don’t clean it often enough, little gnats can get in there, and have themselves a great time. Not really what you want. So, don’t wait too long in cleaning it. It takes some time to get rid of them if that happens. I was warned by a YouTube viewer about this, and found out for myself the hard way even so.
Second problem is usability. I’ve not had any problems but my wife feels the poop hole should be bigger. There’s problems lining up so the urine goes to its area and the poop to it’s area.

Emptying it hasn’t been bad though.
We’ve started pouring the urine around the chicken yard to help to deter predators.
To empty the poop section, I put a trash bag over around the container, and dump the contents into it, then take the bag to a compost container for humanure. I’ll scrape out any big chunks left in the toilet and empty them again.

Once that is done, I’ll fill a 5 gallon container with some peatmoss and moisten it so it holds together some when squeezed together, but not so wet that I’ll squeeze any water out of it. Then I’ll fill the toilet about half full, and then bring it back inside, and hook up the vent and power to run the fan.

Again, it’s going well. We had a few minor problems, but in my opinion, it’s a huge improvement over the outhouse.

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