Chicken Coop foundation ready, but a flat on the trailer.

Wanted to get the chicken coop foundation ready this weekend and the trailer installed. However a flat on the trailer slowed up the day.

I got to the cabin early Saturday to get some work done. Closing date is less than 2 weeks away, and we still have so much to do.
My parents are coming today with their trailer. I was so glad I got the drive taken care of last week, so I didn’t have to do it this week.

Coop and chores

I did get the foundation ready. It ended up using more gravel than I expected to do it. The ground was less level than what I thought, but I got the job done. Once everything put away from that project. I got some vacuumed sealed food we brought down put away, along with some fishing equipment and drove to the end of the road to install our mailbox.

Trailer installation

But just as I was about to start, my mom called.
“We just passed the dead animal in the road” she said.
I laughed as I had passed the same animal earlier that morning and I knew exactly where they were. They were just minutes away, so the mailbox will have to wait.

As they were coming down the hill, I noticed one of the trailer tires was flat (dual axle), so I had them pull into the drive and stop so we could get it changed.
It was a windy day, and one of the vent covers almost blew off the trailer, so I had to climb to the top and take it down.
Once both were taken care of, we got the trailer parked and leveled and plugged into the cabin’s electric!


While dad finished the trailer, I worked on installing Starlink.
Finally, I got it installed, but I’m going to have to either install it on a platform, or cut down some more trees… or both.

Overall, a great productive trip, and a couple more things on our to-do list checked off.
Next week, we install the chicken coop.

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