Building ladders and planting garlic and more

Building ladders and planting garlic is what’s on tap.
After discovering the bad wood and we went to one of the larger towns to get some good wood. We still need that done before the grandkids get here.

I got the 2 uprights cut and all the rungs measured and cut. That allowed my bride to stain them, but the staining requires dry time.

While waiting for the stain to dry, I decided to go ahead and get the garlic planted. I wanted to make sure I got them planted earlier this year than I did last year. While I suspect my biggest problem with my garlic was water, it could have also been that I planted it much later last year.

For plants to grow, they need at least 10 hours of sunlight a day. When they get less than 10 hours a day, they will no longer continue to grow. From what I’ve heard, you want plants you’re trying to overwinter to be at least 75% mature before sunlight drops below 10 hours. This is called the Persephone period. For us, here in eastern Oklahoma, 11/30/2023 is our last day of 10 hours of sunlight until January 12th.

So, my garlic will have 53 days of grown before the Persephone period starts. This year, I’ll have it in the ground on October 8th. Last year, I didn’t get it in the ground until November 4th. That was 26 days last year and 53 days this year… twice as much!

If you’re interested in learning more about garlic, you can check out my garlic playlist on YouTube.

After getting the garlic in the ground, the stain was still a bit wet, so we decided to just let it dry overnight.
So, I moved my attention to cleaning up more of the downed trees around the solar field. This time, the area close to where the kids will be playing. I didn’t realize how good getting that cleaned up would really make the area look.
It really makes me excited to get the rest of the area around the garden cleaned up.

After dark, which I didn’t really mention in the video, we did some cleaning in the new cabin, and it’s really coming along nicely!

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