Better late than never I suppose said the chickens

Better late than never I suppose is what our chickens may be thinking right about now, or at least one of them. But she’s worn us down. We give up.
We’ve been fighting with her all summer trying to keep her from sitting on eggs, but she’s been determined, and we’re tried of fighting her, so we’re letting her sit on eggs. We’ll see where it goes.

We have plans for the coop to have an area for a broody hen, and the eventual chicks that will come, but we’ve not set that up. It’s not even high on our to-do list at the moment. So, we decided that we’ll let her sit, and leave the results up to God. If any chicks service, great, and if not, well, it’s the “circle of life” as my wife sang in the video.
Now, I know I say that, but I also know we’ve said that before, and when the time came, we set up something to help keep the chicks safe, so we’ll see what happens.

We also decided to get some seed in the ground.
Nothing much. We planted 2 kinds of lettuce, some spinach and some zucchini.
I wanted much more planted this year, but we’ve been too busy, but we were talking about planting something and decided to stop talking about it, and plant a little something.

My bride did buy a small greenhouse to give us some season extension for the Spring and Fall.
But, with Oklahoma summers, and the temps still in the lower 100’s that’s not needed at the moment, but we did take some netting and put it on the frame to help keep the chickens out.

Now, for both chicken and garden, we wait.

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