Excited about seed saving, first time and experimenting

Trying some experimenting with seed saving this Fall.

I’ve never saved seeds before. But this year, I wanted to try.
And so, I decided to start with our tomato seeds.

When planting, I made sure to keep the different kinds spaced far enough apart that I shouldn’t have to worry about crossing. And after being gone for an extended period of time, I had lost some tomatoes, so I thought I’d start with them.

Everything I’ve seen was basically take the tomatoes, scoop them out into a jar and mix with water, letting them ferment. Once fermented, rinse them off and dry them, and store them.

So, that was my plan. But when I got to the garden, I had several tomatoes that were already completely rotted, and became these little dried tomato mummies. So I decided that since nature had already taken care of all that stuff, why not just take the seeds from them.

I have no idea if this will work or not, but that’s what I did.

I took those dried tomatoes. Cut open several and saved seeds from them.

I guess I’ll know if it worked next spring. If not, there’s always next year.

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