Ladders, lofts and venison stew over the fire

Ladders, lofts and venison stew over the fire are some of the things we have in store for the day.

Our oldest 2 grandkids are coming for Fall break soon along with my youngest nephew, so we needed to get things ready for the kids.
It’s funny how things like that push you to get projects done, just like when my parents needed their camper back, and we had to push to get the new cabin ready to move everything into.

The plan is for them to be able to sleep in the loft. However, there is no easy way to get up there, and it’s full of stuff. Both things have to be remedied. There’s lots of things to do, but my wife suggested I hunt in the morning since once they are here, hunting wont be good for some time. So, I took her advice and went hunting for a few hours to start the day. Didn’t see anything, but it was nice to get out.

After the hunt, I ran to the store to pick up some metal snips since I cannot find mine anywhere. That’s isn’t on today’s to-do list, but if I got to that project, I wanted to make sure I had them. So, 45 minutes late, I’m back at the house and finally ready to start the day.

As I started working on the ladder, I realized how horrible the lumber I got was. The closes lumber yard just takes the lumber off the top of the pile and loads it for you. You don’t get to pick it. In fact, they have signs stating not to pick through the lumber. But for this projects, what I got was horrible. As studs they would have been fine, but not as a ladder. That means this project has stalled out.

We moved on to cleaning the lofts and putting down some foam flooring on the sleeping loft. At least that project went smoothly.

We also decided we wanted to take down a small tree that’s not in a great location. I went to do that, and found my bride had already started the burn pile. It was in the direction I had planned to drop the tree. She thought I was dropping it in another direction. I got the tree down safe and sound and not on the burning pile, so all was good.

We rearranged the other loft, consolidating boxes and making it easier to get to and use some of our things.

One of the best parts of the day, was we ended it with a pot of venison stew my wife had been cooking on the fire for a good part of the day. It was so delicious. Hard to beat a home cooked meal after a long, productive day.

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