Lean-to project is finally started

Lean-to project is finally started.
We’ve wanted a place to store lawn equipment and the like, and the shed that was here just isn’t big enough. Time to fix that problem

Except the wood stove, the cabin is pretty much done as we finished off the entry way ceiling recently.

A few weeks ago, a friend helped me out and started working on the lean to.
He cleared out some of the stuff from behind the building and dug 5 of the holes that were needed.
That helped so much, and because of it, I just needed to dig 3 more holes over the weekend.

After that was done, I got everything leveled and sloped the way it needed to be, and got the cross beams put in place, and managed to get 1 row of the metal installed.
We intend to remove the entire roof and re-roof it all, but that’ll be a multiple day project I fear, and I need a couple days with no rain and the time to do it.

However, it looks good and I have several pieces of equipment under it.
We may eventually build some partial walls, but firs things first, and only so much time to get it all done.

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