Mini-split installation in the cabin (mostly) done.

Mini-split installation in the cabin is what’s on tap! As the temperatures continue to rise, and I spends 9-12 hours every weekday in the cabin for work, I need to get this installed, so when I need it, I’ll have it.

With the ceiling over the desk completed, we now have that end of the cabin ready for the air conditioner to be installed.

We decided to go with a mini-split as I’ve heard good things about them, and how much more energy efficient they are compared to even window units. And since everything is ran off of solar power, energy efficiency is top on my mind.

As I started working on installing the mini-split, I realized I would have a horrible time putting the skirting on the cabin behind the mini-split if I wait. So, I decided to go ahead and install the skirting on the back side of the cabin before finishing off the installation.

It wasn’t a hard installation.
The only surprise is that the lines from the inside unit to the outside unit were pressurized, which the instructions didn’t mention.
So, when I when to remove the caps on the lines to hook up to the outside unit, they started hissing. Once I realized that was normal, I was able to carry on without any more problems.

At this point in the installation, the only thing left to do is pull a vacuum on the system and wire it into the breaker box.

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