Lights and wind and privacy.

Lights and wind and privacy. That is what is on tap for today.
With a new game plan for the bathroom wall, it’s time to set that in motion.

For the french door that will become the wall, we painted that door. Mrs TnT painted the glass for privacy, but that it would also allow light to pass through. The rotted part was cut off, and then built it back up with a 2×6 and set that in place. We also installed the track system for the barn door opening to the bathroom.
But since the other door was still being painted and drying, we turned our attention to the ceiling fan.

It was early May, and the temperature was already in the 90’s, so having the ceiling fan was desired. So, that went up without much trouble.
Though I was a bit concerned that I had mis-wired something in the walls. So, I took a break from wiring in the fan, and looked at an old video to make sure everything was good.
Thankfully it was!

Overall, it was a good day. Every week something else is complete, and we’re getting closer to finishing this cabin.

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