12 volt to 48 volt solar system upgrade.

We finally got started on the 12 volt to 48 volt solar system upgrade.
The frames are complete, so time for panels and the new 48 volt charge controller/inverter.
After taking everything apart, I was paged. so that slowed down the whole process.

Once I was able to get back to work, I did manage to build a stand for the batteries, run new wire to the panels and wire everything together.
I even prepared for the new building and put in a breaker box so I could shut power off from one building or the other.

Finally time to flip the switch on the new system (no new panels yet)
We had power in the cabin, but no charge from the panels.
And on that note, I ran out of daylight. I was hoping that was the problem, but wont know more till the next day.

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