The chickens need to come home this weekend.

The chickens need to come home, and to do that, we need a secure chicken run. In the last post, we get the coop completed. But in it’s current state, the chickens would be locked up, no run, no fresh air, and that won’t do.

So, we worked on making a run for them on the east side of the coop. I bought the materials for a 10×10 run. That sounded great, until I laid it out on the ground, and that was way too small for our flock.
So, we changed it up to a 9×18 (the hardware cloth came in 3 foot sections).
It’s still smaller than I would like, but it will have to do.

As usual, I ran into problems. After measuring one of the corners at 18 feet, and digging the hole 2 feed down for the corner post, I realized I somehow got it at 19 feet. Measure twice, dig once.

The south side fence was no problem. We got it dug and cut and installed without any problems. But by this time, daylight was fading fast.
By the end of the day, we did manage to get the side walls up, door to the run installed, and 4 or 5 sheets of hardware cloth installed.

However, the automatic chicken door, the top on the run, and wasn’t yet complete, so we couldn’t get the flock.

Need to finish up the next day and get them down here before the weekend is up.

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