Finish the chicken coop and prep for more to come.

We needed to finish the chicken coop, and if possible, install the mailbox and prep for a chicken run. It really all needs to get done this trip if possible!

Last time, my dad and uncle helped me get the chicken coop built. But we ran out of daylight before we could finish it.

So, my uncle came down with me to help me finish the coop, and see how much more we can get taken care of.

After another early start, we got down the the cabin to finish the roof before rain gets here.
We got the tiles put in, and the “sky lights” without much problem at all.
The most problem we probably had was with the shutters on the window, but we finally got it taken care of.

Once that was completed, we got the mailbox install, and came back for more work around the chicken coop.
We removed some of the smaller trees to open up the space for the run. Because chickens need outdoor space!

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