Out of time! We need the new chicken coop now!

We are out of time! The move is less than a week away, and we need the new chicken coop now!

Last weekend, I finished off the foundation for the coop, and during the week, the building was delivered,
My dad and uncle volunteered to come help me build it, and I welcomed the help!
The instructions said 4-6 hours to build with 3 people, so I was hopeful.

They arrived at 7:00 on Saturday morning to head out. My uncle said he’d drive some stuff down if we wanted, so Friday night, I got some stuff together for him to take. We loaded up his truck and I it was time to head out!

Let the work begin

With the boxes unloaded and and opened and mostly sorted, and stared working through the instructions. (Well, I did, they kept trying to guess what was next. I don’t know how many times I told them, “I don’t know, I’ve not read the instructions for that step yet”). It’s a race to beat the night.

First up, putting stuff together. We made the trusses, and put the doors together and stuff along those lines. Once that was complete, we moved on to laying the floors and installing the walls.

This isn’t the first time I’ve used a building like this, and I like them. But the instructions could have been a little more clear. We spent a lot of time trying to figure out exactly what they wanted.

We installed the floors and dry fitted the doors to make sure they were correct. Then rearranged a bit because the front door didn’t seem correct. Now it’s time to place the walls! The walls line up with the floor and then slide into place. Pretty simple. The corners, however, gave us a ton of problems. We are supposed to slide in one side like the walls, but then bend the other side and just snap in. Sounds simple, but they did not want to snap! I now wonder if that was because I had it on a gravel pad instead of wood or concrete, but I had gravel.

Darkness won

Walls are up. Doors installed. Roof mostly done. The only thing left is to put the ridgeline on, but it’s too dark to see. We finished up by flashlight as it was and that was difficult.

Build time for today was 9 1/2 hours. That’s a bit higher than the 4-6 hours, and we’re not done.

I’ll have to figure out when to get down to finish it up. Looks like and hour or two is all that will be needed to finish it up.

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