The tree is down, better get busy packing!

Now that the house is on the market, and we’ve had 13 showings in 2 and a half days, we better get busy.
So, we brought some stuff down from the house to the cabin in preperations of the upcomming sale.
We also had a few things we knew we needed to get done.
1. We had to measure the space for the new cabin.
2. We also had to determine where we wanted the chicken coop.
3. For the new building to be brought in, we needed to remove a tree, so we decided to go ahead and do that as well.

We had some difficulties getting the tree to fall.
Some of the branches in the canopy were hanging up on the trees around it.
However, we did finally get that down.
Oh, and we accepted an offer on the house!
Guess that means, it’s time to pack!

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