Garlic, Firewood and cleanup!

While working on getting some firewood ready for the cabin, I checked on the garlic and decided to do some much needed cleanup from our first solar project

It had been 4 weeks since I planted the garlic, and it’s coming along very nicely!

Because of the size of our wood stove, this batch of firewood has really been too big to easily fit in the stove and getting more than 1 or 2 pieces in, so I decided to cut it in half and have been able to get 2 or 3 pieces in, which is making it much easier to keep the fire going and keeping the temperature regulated.

While doing that, I decided to start cleaning up the downed trees from last years solar project.
I really need to get the wood bucked and split before it decided to rot on me, so this will be a good first step to getting to that.
If all goes well, I’ll work on that this winter.

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