How to trim chicken wings

It’s been way too long since we last clipped their wings.

The first question you may have is why?
For us, we trim to help keep the chickens in the yard.

When you trim their wings, what you are doing is cutting off their flight feathers on one wing.

For us, it keeps the chickens in the backyard and away from the dogs and coyotes that roam about.

The con to trimming their wings is that it can make it harder for them to escape predators if one does get in the yard (which has been known to happen).

So, this is not something every chicken owner will need to do. But for us, it’s something that we choose to do.
We once lost a bird when it got into the neighbors yard, and their dog took offense to that.
This year, about the time we talked about doing it, one of our girls had gotten into the front yard and had eggs there. Being in the front yard is so much more dangerous.

In today’s video, I show how we go about doing it.

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