2023, I Can’t Believe We Did That This Year!

It’s hard to believe 2023 is over. It’s been a crazy year! The year started off in a rush as at the end of 2022, we decided to move.

So, we put our house up on the market, and it sold in 36 hours! To top it off, they wanted to close in about 3 weeks, which meant we had a lot to do to be ready to move here in that amount of time.

We bought a building to turn into a chicken coop. That was a requirement for us to move. So we bought a storage building kit that we planned to turn into our chicken coop. And it’s done great! We put a divider inside to give us some storage space inside, but away from the chickens. Then we built a nice secure run, and then an expanded run to give them even more space, even if it’ wasn’t as secure.

There was work prepared to get my parents camper trailer down her so we could use it as an office and as storage space.

We ordered a building, added windows where we wanted them for the way we planned to use the building.
When it got here, we put in electrical, and insulation, flooring, shiplap, composting toilet, lights, ceiling and a wood stove. We also skirted it to help with the temperatures. We also installed a mini-split, which has been amazing!

While all of that was going on, we upgraded the solar.
We started the year off with 4-200 watt panels and 5-12volt 100 amp hour lead-acid batteries, and we ended the year with 16-200 watt panels and 8-12volt LiFEPO4 batteries (wired as 2-48 volt 200 amp hr batteries). That made a huge difference in our power supply.

We upgraded the solar at the shower shack as well, doubling the wattage, and installing a new AGM battery instead of a lead acid that I could never get to charge just fully

We added a lean-to to the back of the storage building and reroofed it all.

We cleared more trees, and did some wood collection.

We got kayaks and spend some time on the water

And a bunch of other stuff in this action packed year.

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