2022 in Review
It’s hard to believe 2022 is over.We had a lot of accomplishments this year, and we go over them all in this weeks video.Some of them were:* shower shack* cuvert installed* lots of demo* skirting* electrical work
It’s hard to believe 2022 is over.We had a lot of accomplishments this year, and we go over them all in this weeks video.Some of them were:* shower shack* cuvert installed* lots of demo* skirting* electrical work
While working on getting some firewood ready for the cabin, I checked on the garlic and decided to do some much needed cleanup from our first solar project It had been 4 weeks since I planted the garlic, and it’s coming along very nicely! Because of the size of our wood stove, this batch of
Garlic, Firewood and cleanup! Read More »
We want to wish each and everyone of you a very Merry Christmas!We hope and pray that each and every one of you will get a chance to enjoy the peace that this season can bring. Luke 2 and John 3:16 go hand in hand.
November 17th, our chicke Red hatched out 14 chicks! It’s way later in the year than we normally let our chickens do this, but Red was determined, and so, here we are.We normally keep our chicks in one of 2 different chicken tractors we have, but neither are really set up for late Fall/ early
Chicks in the late Fall Read More »
I noticed flames showing at the base of the chimney where it connects to the stove.That was not good. With colder temperatures upon us, I didn’t want to wait to get it fixed, so took the time to get it taken care of before we end up killing ourselves.
Gotta fix that stove Read More »
Last day in at the cabin and when I went to take a shower, and no luck.I had prepped some, but not enough.Did get it working (and the people at church were thankful), and I figured out how to not have problems next time. The buddy heater had a problem, and it wouldn’t light, so
While down at the cabin, I decided to check on the garlic to see if I had any spouts yet and I was surprised After only 8 days, over half my garlic had sprouted! I always love seeing plants grow, especially the ones I’ve planted myself.I’m not sure what it is about that but it’s
Garlic update – 8 days Read More »
Oh yea, I was singing the song, With a cold front headed in, I knew it was time to get that chimney swept. Last year, while it got done, I wasn’t happy with how it worked.This year, I think I finally found the tool to make the job much easier and I feel it did